Surveying & GIS

Land Survey is one of the major service being provided by the company. The company ranks among the top and largest land survey consultants in the Kingdom.

The Company has successfully executed large number of topographic and cadastral survey projects. Experienced and qualified surveyors are capable of performing the job continuously with precision and accuracy.

We believe in following the technological advancement to provide better services to the client. Our surveyors are equipped with latest and advanced surveying equipment to do the work consuming much less time and maintaining high accuracy.

Our GIS department is skilled in providing techinal support to our clients in establishing GIS-based databases and management of huge database and analysis works.

Jeddah East Survey Works

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Project: Jeddah East Survey Works
Location: Jeddah Development and Urban Regeneration Co.
Client: Jeddah City
Area: 1,000
Services Provided: Cadastral & Topographical Surveying & Mapping
Brief Description:  
TAPCo was contracted by JDURC to perform one the largest topographical and cadastral surveying exercise ever done for Jeddah. Jeddah East project consisted of around 1,000 sq. km of area and approximately 12,000 properties. The survey works and map production was done in a very limited span of time and challenging environment. TAPCo effectively completed all tasks including acquisition of high resolution imagery, surveying and production of required plans and their delivery in the required time to the client. 

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Head Office
Salma Commercial Center, Al-Sharafiyaah Dist., Madinah Road, Behind Radisson Blue Hotel, Jeddah, KSA
Tel: +966 920 001 701
Fax: +966 12-657 281